Friday, February 6, 2015

Brainstorming from Class


Fantasy > fairy tale > selkie
Fantasy > fairy tale > crane wife

Historical > joan of arc

Sci-fi > androids
Sci-fi > 'brave new world'

Setup: introduction to Girl, House and Occupation.
PP1: see selkie skin for the 1st time. Discover she is an orphan.
Confrontation: see neglect at hands of her caretakers. Overworked. Longs to be elsewhere.
PP2: grabs skin and runs away.
Resolution: escapes from the house, runs to the sea and disappears.

Motivation to leave: neglected, orphaned, longing for 'other'
Motivation for mistreatment: perhaps smell?, youngest, daydreamer
Locations: house. shore.
Name: Nessa, Glas, Mara

Conscious motivation: escape from servant life
Unconscious motivation: return to her family and true home in the sea
Conflict: reality vs. other-world, oppression vs. freedom, protagonist vs. antagonist

Simplicity: 2 locations, 1 main character
Conflict: antagonistic oppressive situation
Filmic Quality: period, fantastic
Deeper Meaning: folk origins, myth, freedom
Twist Ending: unknown selkie until climax

Action Points - Shots
Mother crying, swaddled baby in bundle.
baby alone, wailing.
Old lady looking into girl's grey eyes, grabs her by the hand.
man leering, stroking the girl's hair.
girl gazing out the window towards the ocean, hand touching the glass.
girl in bed, silver cloth as a comforter.